We love making cider, we love drinking cider and getting some awards for doing things that we love is pretty great!
New York International Beer Competition
600+ submissions, 14+ Countries, 50+ categories
- Massachusetts Cider Producer of the Year, 2018
New York International Beer CompetitioN
600+ submissions, 14+ Countries, 50+ categories
- SILVER MEDAL, HERITAGE CIDER, 2018 for our Traditional Dry Cider
Great Lakes International cider & Perry competition (GLINTCAP)
GLINTCAP is the world's largest cider judging with 1334 total entries for 2018.
- BRONZE MEDAL, HERITAGE CIDER - DRY, 2018 for our Traditional Dry Cider
- BRONZE MEDAL, HERITAGE CIDER - DRY, 2018 for our Traditional Semi-Dry Cider